summer bucket list idea Archives - Teafloor Blog : All About Tea | Health Benefits of Tea Thu, 20 Jun 2019 07:58:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 summer bucket list idea Archives - Teafloor Blog : All About Tea | Health Benefits of Tea 32 32 Teafloor’s Top 10 Summer Bucket List Ideas Thu, 20 Jun 2019 07:57:56 +0000 Summer is a season of experiences. Honestly, there is nothing better than the sun-kissed days of this season. It’s the ideal time to put on some flip flops, add a dollop of sunscreen and grab our favourite iced tea to explore the world outside. The tropical season demands you to have good times and tan […]

The post Teafloor’s Top 10 Summer Bucket List Ideas appeared first on Teafloor Blog : All About Tea | Health Benefits of Tea.

Summer is a season of experiences. Honestly, there is nothing better than the sun-kissed days of this season. It’s the ideal time to put on some flip flops, add a dollop of sunscreen and grab our favourite iced tea to explore the world outside. The tropical season demands you to have good times and tan lines. And the best way to go about it is to collect a few summer bucket list ideas, which give you a sense of direction but also allow you to go a little wild.

According to us at Teafloor, summer is the perfect time to let a little creative sunshine into your imagination. Plan something exciting and memorable. Instead of postponing your plans for the next season or vacation, make use of this one, right here, right now. To beat off the potential of “we’ll do that someday” (and then never doing anything), we’ve compiled a list of summer bucket list ideas. Go through our top summer pursuits and take full advantage of the long days and warm nights.

Top 10 Summer Bucket List Ideas

1. Learn New Recipes
This is probably something that should go on everyone’s summer bucket list. Whether you’re a food junkie or not, cooking is a survival necessi-tea. And if you’re going to learn a few new dishes, might as well get fancy with them. To get the best of your summer feelings, try new iced tea recipes like Aam Panna or Apple and Cranberry, or maybe something boozy like Strawberry Mojitos. If drinks are not what you want to try, then learn new items like Salads, Pasta or Grilled foods.

Summer Bucket List Ideas 2

2. Host a Sunday Brunch
Maybe one of the best things about adding this to your summer bucket list is that you’ll be able to catch up with friends and family. Bringing them all together under one roof for a fun-filled Sunday afternoon is a brilliant idea. Breezy summer days are ideal with the right kinds of food and drinks. It is also an amazing opportunity to catch up with everyone over your favourite glasses of fruity iced teas or sangrias. Plus, you can show off the new recipes you’ve learnt in your time off.

3. Volunteer Somewhere
Summers are meant to be full of various experiences. No matter what your ideal vacation is, adding a little volunteer work here and there isn’t a bad idea ever. There are many organisations out there working to solve various issues that the underprivileged face in our country. You could help with promoting health and sanitation programmes, or with building sustainable housing or maybe even help with educational workshops with NGOs like SUIT, Goonj, Smile Foundation etc. Think of this as adding a few miles on your soul before you park yourself behind a desk once the season ends.

4. Explore New Places
No city or town is ever explored to its hundred per cent potential. There will always be new places to check out, old ones to revisit and endless destinations to touch upon which you always deemed too #basic. For your summer bucket list ideas, you should always opt a form of travelling. Turn yourself into a tourist in your own city or escape to a new place. Travelling is essential for a person because wherever you go somehow becomes a part of you. Even a small detour to a local cafe can make you realise how tiny your problems are and letting go sometimes is alright.

5. Document Your Travels
Someone once said that people forget years but remember the moments. Therefore, a summer bucket list idea should be to document your travels. Take pictures, make videos, or write journal entries about your travels. Whether you’re a selfie junkie or an aesthetic vlogger, documenting your travels allows you to relive your summer memories to the fullest.

6. Go to a Comedy Gig
Yes, we know. This is not one of your conventional summer bucket list ideas. But with your stressful and busy lifestyles, treating yourself to some laughter therapy never hurts. There are endless comedy gigs happening over the weekends. All you have to do is book your tickets, head out to the venue, take a seat and enjoy the show. And remember, once you start laughing, you start healing.

Summer Bucket List Ideas

7. Buy a Tea for a Stranger
Now we can hear on the extroverts go, ‘Yay!’ and all the introverts go, ‘No!’ But here’s the deal. An act of kindness can spark an unlikely conversation. Just go to a random cafe, choose a person and buy them a cup of tea. Trust us, the conversations shared over that one cup of tea would be something you’ll remember forever. This should probably be a part of everyone’s summer bucket list. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up making a new friend. Also, if it doesn’t work out, don’t worry. What happens around the teacup, stays around the teacup.

8. Fix a Fitness Routine
While everyone’s summer bucket list is full of vacationing, DIYs and fun stuff, adding a workout routine to your list is not a bad idea. Summers are probably the best season to sweat it out. Due to the hot weather, your body exerts more energy and you will burn calories faster. If you’ve spent all winter cooped up indoors, it’s time to head out for a walk. Couple that with a wellness tea like ChaiSpa’s Spoorti for added energy for optimum results. Also, while you’re at it, stay hydrated friends.

9. Decorate Your Room
This should not just be a part of your summer bucket list ideas, but every bucket list ever thought of. Decorating or redecorating your room is a fun way to spend a warm summer day indoors. You can avoid the heat wave and the humidity and enjoy some quality time with yourself. This gives you a good opportunity to bring to life all those ideas you’ve drawn or pins you’ve saved on your favourite app for inspiration. After all, your room should tell the story of who you are and be a collection of who you love.

10. Spend a Day at the Pool/Beach
Last, but not the least, a day just swimming in the water is a must have on your summer bucket list. The summer heat requires you to cool off once in a while. So, dedicate one day to the nearby beach or pool. And if you’re not a water person, then just sit by it, under the shade of an umbrella and bask in the glory of the sun with a nice summer read and a chilled glass of your favourite iced tea. And don’t forget your sunblock.


According to us, every person is a summer person. All you have to do is let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like. Learn to find joy in the story you are actually living. That is the only way you can fulfil any of your summer bucket list ideas. Just keep an open mind, and make the best memories with your favourite pair of flip-flops and tropical brews. By the time you tick off every item on your summer bucket list, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling. This summer, it’s time to be a serial chiller.

The post Teafloor’s Top 10 Summer Bucket List Ideas appeared first on Teafloor Blog : All About Tea | Health Benefits of Tea.

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